Rebeka Oláh
I’m Rebeka Oláh, the Change Ambassador of the Hungarian team. I’m 20 and I’m currently pursuing a diploma in international public management at the National University of Public Service, Budapest. I chose this career path because I wanted to tackle the problems of today’s world and understand the connections of various scenes that are going on in the world. ECMA was especially appealing to me as it induces change on a local level in order to make a difference on a much greater, global level. I strongly believe that if we work together change can be achieved and we can switch the current flow of bad happenings to achieve a better and happier world.
In my free time I like reading books, watching series and spending time with my family and friends, I am always up for a cup of coffee and a good talk.
Csenge Dobi
My name is Csenge. I have just graduated in June 2020 from Central European University’s Economic Policy in Global Markets MA program. Since September, I am working at a multinational firm, being part of their Graduate Programme to become a future leader. Having studied in multiple countries (Austria, France, Belgium, and Hungary) made me highly aware that it is crucial to be a national of your own country and be a proud citizen of the European Union. To raise awareness of that, I applied to become a Changemaker for Hungary’s team. I believe every change starts at the local levels. As a drop in water, the ripple effect takes place, therefore inducing change on higher levels.
I like to watch series in my free time, and I also enjoy trying my hand at coding. Furthermore I adore taking long walks, especially in Europe’s beautiful cities or out in nature, marveling at its beauty. Finally I am very into gastronomy, I studied Wine Business for my Bachelor’s.
Krisztián Medvigy
My name is Krisztián Medvigy and I’m one of the 5 Changemakers currently participating in ECMA.
I am an undergraduate at Corvinus University of Budapest studying Communication and Media Science. I value human connections a lot, that’s why I chose communication, I think it’s really important to be able to understand others, not only verbally but the mentality behind what they mean. My studies lead me to apply for ECMA, I love meeting new people and getting to know others, I think it’s really important to have as many points of views on certain topics as you can and I think this programme helps me a lot in this. I love the term ‘think global, act local’. ECMA’s main goal is to have young people have an impact on their community which is really necessary nowadays, especially in these trying times. I hope I will be able to organize the community after the programme and make this world a better place by doing so!
In my free time I do kung-fu as a member of the National Team of Hungary, I think it is very important to have some kind of physical activity going on in your life.
Sára Sütöri
My name is Sára, I am one of the 5 Changemakers in the ECMA project from Hungary. Besides ECMA, I live up to my interest in Psychology by currently pursuing postgraduate education at Stockholm University. I am also lucky enough to work for an exciting Hungarian HR Tech start-up, proving that innovation can come from any level – a philosophy also aligned with ECMA. I joined the ECMA project as it is centered around topics I find crucial and can personally support. One of them is that through fostering local level activism broad changes can be achieved and another one is that policy-making should be done both together with and for the people. Additionally, the international nature of this project brings diverse groups of people together and lets its participants experience the value of different types of diversity from first hand.
Regarding free time, I’m just like everybody else, I enjoy a nice walk or some swimming but can be fully satisfied with a good movie and food during a stay-at-home evening.
Anita Hegymegi
My name is Anita, I am currently studying Finance and Accounting at Corvinus University of Budapest.
In my spare time I do a lot of hiking, sports and reading whenever I can. My interest in political activism started at the age of 16. Before that I always thought that my opinions were insignificant or they would be dismissed because older and more experienced people would know better than to listen to me. This changed when a friend told me about the role of youth in the process of change making. Since then I tried getting involved in every decision making process that I could.
The reason I joined ECMA is that I believe young people have to actively shape the future they are hoping to live in and partake in the process of making a change if they want to see change.
Napsugár Anett Csongár
My name is Napsugár and I am currently studying International Relations at the University of Debrecen. I chose this major and also chose to participate in the ECMA program as a Changemaker because I firmly believe intercultural understanding and thinking beyond the borders is key to shaping our future. Young people have shown many times before that they can have a huge impact on their surroundings and now it’s our turn, so being politically active in our communities can be crucial for creating a more stable, more peaceful world, which I hope to be a part of.
Regarding my spare time, I like to be out in nature as much as I can, taking a walk. I also spend a lot of time listening to podcasts and cooking, which is quite a new interest of mine. Besides these, of course I always make time to see my friends and family.