Gender Through the Screen final handbook

AEGEE-Budapest (Európai Hallgatók Hálózatának Egyesülete) was a partner in the “Gender through the screen” project which has been co-founded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Action KA2 programme. The project seeks to foster and encourage advocacy for gender equality by the use of media and by training youth workers on how they can better report, showcase and promote gender equality through the biggest media and communication channels they use for their everyday job. Our project addresses gender as an equality issue, with a positive approach to diminish the negative stereotypes and discrimination related to sex and/or gender.


The Handbook “Gender Through the Screen” was issued in 2018 November. It is standing to teach and provide knowledge and recommendation to youth workers for fair and equal portraying the genders and share tips and tricks about ethical media conduct in youth work related to gender equality.


Our main aim was to deeper explore the gender portrayal in order to address the most  problematic issues and raise awareness of the public on the importance of gender roles as seen and portrayed in the mass media and the influence it has in our daily lives. We wanted to reach to young people, youth workers and everyone who is interested in the topic and hope to see some changes in our societies, in the way we perceived genders and our roles.


At the end, we are sharing with you what have we done so far on our project “Gender Through The Screen” through the four activities that were held in 4 different countries, but all with the same purposes: to create a baseline how youth work can advocate and support the better portrayal of gender in the media; engage more young people and youth workers to bring up gender issues through social media channels and commit to fairly and ethically address the issues through their PR strategies in their associations; deeper explore the gender portrayal in order to address the most problematic issues while training youth workers, youth leaders and young people to act as advocates and reporters; and raise awareness on the importance of gender roles shown in the media and their impact on society and people`s behavior.


Here You can find the whole Booklet.